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cie.acompagniada on tanssitaiteilija ja koreografi Ada Freundin perustama kollektiivinen viiden esiintyjän tanssiryhmä.

Ryhmän sisäinen työskentely perustuu jokaisen esiintyjän yksilöllisyyden ja ainutlaatuisten piirteiden korostamiseen. Ryhmä pyrkii käyttämään vastakohtaisuuksia, luoden dynamiikkaa ja kontrasteja esiintyjien välille. Fyysisen teatterin kautta tuomme esille tarinoita, kehollistaen muistikuvia, sekä annamme yleisölle mahdollisuuden tulla kanssamatkustajaksi. cie.acompganiada tuo yleisölle elämyksiä käyttäen immersiivistä skenografiaa, joka avaa ja herkistää sekä yleisön että esiintyjän aistit.


Forgotten rocks

It was the same as yesterday -
the details of hidden place gave us comfort

It was the same as before -
we wondered how the dusty air was flying

It was same as yesterday -

It was the same as the other day - the play passed by and tickled us

It was the same -
it was not there anymore

It was the same as other times - this solitude we knew

Fragilely sinking, something was missing. Only there was nothing waiting

Five creatures, living in an abandoned place, the childlike curiosity keeps them away from reality. Wondering, they enjoy being lost. In this chaotic and complex place they find comfort for themselves. Through memories and sensations, they float in timelessness. Finding no way out, they play and encounter sisterhood. Through the journey they return to the beginning, to the solitude that is always present. This solitude that makes us to seek for connection and togetherness. On the contrary, this solitude makes has an apocalyptic effect to the world that the characters are living in. These sensations takes them to the timeless space where the direction has been lost.
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